Environmental Engineering
Over the last two decades, EAS has been instrumental in providing results oriented, professional consulting services for lenders, developers, prospective purchasers, and investors alike. As experts in commercial real estate transactions and site development, EAS’s myriad of staff professionals ranging from engineers, wetlands professionals, to biologists provide an informed assessment of real property related to the critical elements of a site’s environmental liability, potential development, and long-term marketability.
From large industrial facilities to undeveloped parcels of land, EAS knows that there is more to every site than what is on paper. EAS provides a broad selection of environmental consulting services throughout the project cycle including due diligence, remediation, industrial hygiene services, natural resources, wetlands, and arboriculture.
There are many options a client has when choosing a consulting firm. We are thankful for our long-time repeat clients, which are relationships forged from their trust in EAS’s ability to provide well researched comprehensive reports that they can rely on. We at EAS operate within the TEAM principle: Together Everyone Achieves More! To EAS, success is achieved when all parties involved are on the winning side.

- Commercial
- Industrial / Manufacturing
- Residential
- Government
Environmental Services
Let EAS Look Before You Leap
Due Diligence
- RPhase 1 Environmental Site Assessments (ESAs)
- RPhase 2 ESAs: Subsurface Assessments
- RVapor Intrusion/Encroachment Assessments
- RHydrogeologic and Groundwater Services
Environmental Remediation
- RSoil
- RGroundwater
- RUnderground Storage Tank (UST) Removal
Industrial Hygiene
- RAsbestos Containing Materials (ACM) Surveys
- RLead-Based Paint (LBP) Surveys
- RMold Surveys
- RIndoor Air Quality Assessments
- RRegulated Materials Surveys
- RCoordination of Asbestos/LBP/Mold Abatement, Air Monitoring, and Clearance Testing
Natural Resources / Arboriculture
- RWetlands and Stream Delineation and Assessment
- RWetland and Stream Permitting
- RNEPA Assessments
- RForest Assessments and Tree Surveys
- RThreatened and Endangered (T&E) Species Surveys and Coordination
- RArchaeological, Cultural and Historical Resources Surveys and Coordination
Other Services
- REnvironmental Expert Witness
- RVoluntary Cleanup Contract Negotiation and Implementation
- REnvironmental Impact Studies, Including Noise Studies and Low-Income Community Impacts
- RReporting Under the Toxic Substances Control Act (TSCA)
- RAir Emissions Permitting
- RWastewater Treatment Design and Permitting